Glossary: Tier I/Tier II Railroad Retirement Benefits
Railroad Retirement Benefits are a form of retirement income for people employed by railroads in the United States. Let’s look at how these benefits are taxed.
Railroad Retirement Benefits are a form of retirement income for people employed by railroads in the United States. Let’s look at how these benefits are taxed.
Payroll tax refers to taxes an employer pays when the employer has employees.
Tax-exempt organizations are exempted from paying income tax and federal unemployment tax… but they might have other tax liabilities that they’re responsible for.
S-corporations share many of the same characteristics of partnerships. The biggest difference is, owners who work in the business day-to-day are paid a salary.
Here’s a basic overview of the self-employment tax calculation for self-employed people. These are the steps for the calculation: Determine your net self-employment income. For most self-employed people, this will be the net profit from their Schedule C. Multiply by 92.35% (.9235). Multiply that result by 15.3%. This gives you the amount of self-employment tax […]